Hello friends…my name is Freeman and this adventure blog pertains to my trekking jaunts, domestic and world excursions. I have traveled through all 50 US states and visited 43 other countries. Of course…to make this happen one must love flying in an aluminum tube with wings. I have flown over 3 million airline miles…enough to fly around the world about 120 times.
After 21 years of living in Seattle proper, my wife Linna and I moved to Fall City, Washington to enjoy 4.5 acres of beauty and tranquility.
I was raised in the small town of Cozad, Nebraska (goo.gl/i1wVF5) where the cattle out number the people, in fact the year I graduated high-school in 1979 the population peaked at 4,450.
If you have any questions, please feel free to drop me an email at wanderjunkie@outlook.com.